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Full House

Full House

Idioma: Idioma: en inglés
Páginas: 29
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1,00 €

Want to try Special Agency?

Here's a short case, ready to play RIGHT NOW.

Sunday, July 4, 1982. Three men and two women play poker on the 85th floor of the Sears Tower in Chicago. They are a pair of watchmen, two policemen and an analyst who are unaware of the disaster that is coming their way - or below them.

They think they'll be able to go home this afternoon and enjoy the family, but fate has other plans.

Full Houseis a short adventure for Special Agency, prepared for the participation of between two and six players. It is especially suited for novice players, and, yes, it mimics classics like Die Hard. It is an adventure -a Case- for Special Agency, designed for four or five Agents to face a large and organized group of thieves in the style of the eighties action movies.

No special rules, advanced rules, character creation, action or investigation aids are included. The complete game is about 300 pages long and is scheduled for release in December 2022.

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