

Genocide and Napalm 1

Genocide and Napalm 1

Colección: Genocide and Napalm 1
Idioma: Idioma: en inglés
Páginas: 56
pdf libro

This issue of Special Agency's Genocide and Napalm line is dedicated to Mexico. There are 56 pages that introduce us to the Mexican Revolution: Texas rangers, Apaches, Carrancistas, Villistas, seven new archetypes, five locations, rules for mounts, weapons of the period and place, five pregenerated, a dozen secondaries and a long adventure.

July 3, 1915, Mexico.

The Revolution advances. Mexican government troops corner the militiamen in the north of the country, who move in and out of Texas to avoid the military. White Texans are tired of these internments. A revolutionary colonel leaves the United States crossing the Rio Bravo with thirty militiamen, after creating disorder and death on the other side of the border. The Texans, gathered at Paso del Aguila, head to track down Colonel Salustiano Matanza.

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