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A South American Romance

Classics 3

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María is the most representative work of Latin American romanticism. It was written by Jorge Isaacs (1837-1895) managing to describe the customs and landscape of his time. This is precisely one of the great achievements of Isaacs and his work: the careful description of the time and its characters.

Jorge Isaacs and his Magnum opus are a milestone in Latin American and Colombian literature. Before the arrival of Gabriel García Márquez and One Hundred Years of Solitude, it was the most successful novel published wide across Hispano-America.

The story of Love between Efraim and María has marked generations and has attracted thousands of people to visit the regions between which the novel runs, becoming a phenomenon of immigration after its publication in the Japanese language.

The beautiful story of Isaacs is now an endless classic that refuses to die and is already 150 years after its publication in 1867.

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