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Help, my Child wants to be a Youtuber!

Help, my Child wants to be a Youtuber!


Colección: YES, I WANT. YES, I CAN 3
Idioma: Idioma: en inglés
Palabras: 40000
Páginas: 96
Tamaño: 325 ks
ePub libro  

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"I'd rather have Twitch ban me than lose all my videos."

"I think I've been Shadow banned"

If you don't understand these phrases that are constantly repeated in your house you need this book. Your kids are growing up and they are no longer just watching videos on your mobile, they are already fully immersed in the digital universe.If you stay behind you are out, and being out means leaving them alone. Help, my child wants to be a youtuber! is a guide to get up to date on what the children of the XXI century are going to find on the net, from the direct experience of a digital parent.

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